Wednesday, May 22, 2013

Relentless Pursuit (Bluegrass Brothers Series Book #4) by Kathleen Brooks

I want to move to Keeneston KY.
This was book four in The Bluegrass Brothers Series and it was worth the wait.
Relentless Pursuit follows the youngest Davies brother Pierce and Tammy Fields the secretary in the towns law firm who we originally met in book one.

Tammy has lusted after Pierce for years now and he hasn't paid her the time of day. Things changed after his brother Cy kissed Tammy at the towns Christmas party, but Pierce knows that Tammy is the forever kind of girl, not his typical have fun then throw back. 

Tammy has changed her life and she refuses to be known simply as  Trailer Park Tammy. She has changed her looks and put herself through school to before a paralegal.

Pierce hasn't followed in the footsteps of his older brothers by joining the military but he is ready to make a name for himself in the farming world with his new invention that will change the production of crops.

However after his brother's wedding where he makes an ass out of himself in front of Tammy Pierce wakes up in his house with his friend and professor dead next to him and he is the only suspect. Tammy does everything she possibly can to help Pierce and finally starts to see her in a new light.

As always the entire town of Keenston is busy with gossip but they look after their own, no matter what. All of my favorites from the other books in the series are back and they have introduced a new character.  

I love this series and it is one I can read over and over again. Sweet Southern Manners, The Kentucky Derby, wacky family stories from The War. Relentless Pursuit is another standout. Each book has the right amount of suspense and mystery, romance, family ties and the continuation of other peoples lives in it. 

I  personally can't wait for Cy's book, which Kathleen has said will be out sometime in October 2013 and will be giving Ahmed his own story as well in Early 2014!


5 Stars for the latest installment of The Bluegrass Brother Series

Read May 20th, 2013

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