Wednesday, May 22, 2013

First Post Jitters

I've decided that it's high time I get off my lazy ass and actually record my responses to the books I read rather than just sitting in the shadows and reading posts from everyone else.  Hell everyone always tells you opinions are like assholes, every one has them. 

 #1 - Will everyone agree with me? 
                        -NO, and I'm happy if someone has a different opinion than I do.  Comment and let me know. Maybe I misread something and interpreted it wrong. I want to be educated and maybe see the light.

 #2- I don't plan on bashing a writer or their story just because I didn't enjoy it. I've been really lucky that some of the writers I absolutely idolize have been awesome enough to form a reader/writer relationship with me. Do I know their kids names? No. Do I know their favorite food? No. Do I want to? Not really, cause honestly that is a little too borderline obsessive stalker to me and I'm not like that. HOWEVER to actually make my point, I now understand how much of their heart and soul really goes into the characters they write and the beautiful story's they produce.  I cannot belittle their creations and still maintain the morals and standers I have.

#3- Will I be honest? Of course. I like to think that I am really honest and I know that I would perfer someone telling me the truth, rather than sugar coating it.

#4- Possibly the most important!! I am not now, or have I been an English Major. I've always sucked at spelling and been atrocious at grammar. Spell Check is my best friend but sometimes I get to typing so fast I don't realize something I've written doesn't make since. I also really enjoy using punctuation for no good reason!!!

I'm really excited to finally try my hand at this. Will anyone read it, who knows. But it will be here for me to see.

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