Thursday, May 30, 2013

The Scent of Roses (Oberon #1) by P.G. Forte

WOW.... By far one of my favorite books I've read recently!
Scout is returning home to Oberon after 20 years. Her step mother no longer wanted her, her step sister ran away and has never been found and those she considered friends had been using her. Why on earth would she willingly go back to a place that caused her so many poor memories yet she is determined to solve her step sisters disappearance.

This book is a roller coaster of emotions, twists and turns in every chapter and so much suspense that I could not stop reading until each piece finally fit back together.

The characters that make up the small town of Oberon California are beautifully eccentric yet so multi layered that you crave more of them.  The two main romantically linked characters of Scout and Nick were exactly what a real couple should be yet so many authors shy away from. They were dysfunctional and irrational and passionate! Yes I wanted to beat some sense into them but that's what real romantic relationships involve.

I am excited to start the rest of the series and see what happens to the other people in Oberon I've become to love or start to like in Lucy's case.

Read: May 29th, 2013

Opposing Forces ( Private Protectors #6) by Adrienne Giordano

I received an ARC of Opposing Forces (Private Protectors #6)

This is the first book in the Private Protectors series I have read and I immediately went and bought the first 5. I was concerned that picking up a book in a series would cause a lot of confusion but it did not.

Opposing Forces is about Jackson Lynx. A former officer in the military and then worked for the Secretary of State until a prescription drug habit changed his life. He moved to Chicago and became the Vice President of Taylor Security and has focused on almost nothing but work, and his recovery.
He however has found his weakness. Jillian Murdoch is in Lynx's yoga class and turns to him for help after a break in at her home. They both slowly start to uncover something going on at her pharmaceutical distribution job.

I had not read any suspense romance novels prior to Opposing Forces and I am now kicking myself for not having tried new things. This story was fast paced and kept my interest the entire time. You never knew what to expect around every curve and goodness what a hot romance. Throughout the story I become so invested in Lynx and Jillian. Would they ever come to terms with their growing feelings for each other? Would Lynx maintain such a almost stick in the mud mentality about his recovery even with his friends pushing him our of his comfort zone? Most of all would Lynx be able to keep Jillian safe?

There were so many layers to this story that I felt like I was on an adrenaline high while reading. I don't think I put it down unless I actually had to.

If you enjoy a little mystery, suspense, romance and a very well told story make sure you read this.
Read: May 28th, 2013

Wednesday, May 22, 2013

Relentless Pursuit (Bluegrass Brothers Series Book #4) by Kathleen Brooks

I want to move to Keeneston KY.
This was book four in The Bluegrass Brothers Series and it was worth the wait.
Relentless Pursuit follows the youngest Davies brother Pierce and Tammy Fields the secretary in the towns law firm who we originally met in book one.

Tammy has lusted after Pierce for years now and he hasn't paid her the time of day. Things changed after his brother Cy kissed Tammy at the towns Christmas party, but Pierce knows that Tammy is the forever kind of girl, not his typical have fun then throw back. 

Tammy has changed her life and she refuses to be known simply as  Trailer Park Tammy. She has changed her looks and put herself through school to before a paralegal.

Pierce hasn't followed in the footsteps of his older brothers by joining the military but he is ready to make a name for himself in the farming world with his new invention that will change the production of crops.

However after his brother's wedding where he makes an ass out of himself in front of Tammy Pierce wakes up in his house with his friend and professor dead next to him and he is the only suspect. Tammy does everything she possibly can to help Pierce and finally starts to see her in a new light.

As always the entire town of Keenston is busy with gossip but they look after their own, no matter what. All of my favorites from the other books in the series are back and they have introduced a new character.  

I love this series and it is one I can read over and over again. Sweet Southern Manners, The Kentucky Derby, wacky family stories from The War. Relentless Pursuit is another standout. Each book has the right amount of suspense and mystery, romance, family ties and the continuation of other peoples lives in it. 

I  personally can't wait for Cy's book, which Kathleen has said will be out sometime in October 2013 and will be giving Ahmed his own story as well in Early 2014!


5 Stars for the latest installment of The Bluegrass Brother Series

Read May 20th, 2013

True by Erin McCarthy

I am a huge fan of Erin McCarthy's Vegas Vampires Series so I was looking forward to her trying her hand at a NA novel.
The story is about a self proclaimed nerd Rory, who is attending college at The University of Cincinnati.  Rory has had a rough life. Her mother passed away when she was 8 and her father is the typical very educated socially awkward professor. Rory has never really fit in until she got to college and met her two roommates.

You are also introduced to Tyler. The bad boy, from the wrong side of the tracks. Also his has the title friends with benefits with  Rory's roommate Jessica.

Through the course of the book Rory and Tyler become close and start to realize that people are not always what they seem.

I liked the story very much, it pulled at your heart strings and there were sweet moments of new love. However it was hard to like Rory as a whole. Rory tends to think things over way to much, and because she is already socially stunted for a 20 year old it felt as if I was reading a YA. There is also a thin line between lacking self-confidence and full out self deprecation which I felt at times swung from one side of the line to the other.

I did like Tyler. His struggles in life were very dramatic but he didn't base his life on the tragedy's that are all around him.

Overall it was a good story and my personal opinions of Rory aside I did like them together and I'm excited to see where they end up in the following book which follows Jessica and Tyler's brother Ryley.

3.5 Stars for True by Erin McCarthy

Finished 5/22/13

Attainable Goals? Or Pipe Dreams

Yes, I am posting again after my first post. For me this is a goal announcement! If I put it out in public I might actually complete it so I don't look like a failure.

I've written 3 reviews in the past few days on Goodreads. I will attempt to transfer them here and blog about the book I just finished this morning. 

By tonight... My reviews for the following will be posted

True by Erin McCarty- finished 5/22
Relentless Pursuit by Kathleen Brooks - Finished 5/20
The Witch's Handbook to Kisses and Curses (HalfMoon Hollow #2) by Molly Harper - Finished 5/17
Bachelor's Special by Christine Warner - Finished 5/15

As time goes on I will go back and post the books I have reviewed on Goodreads, but I will always date the entries so there is no confusion.

If anyone wants to find my Goodreads profile it's under:

First Post Jitters

I've decided that it's high time I get off my lazy ass and actually record my responses to the books I read rather than just sitting in the shadows and reading posts from everyone else.  Hell everyone always tells you opinions are like assholes, every one has them. 

 #1 - Will everyone agree with me? 
                        -NO, and I'm happy if someone has a different opinion than I do.  Comment and let me know. Maybe I misread something and interpreted it wrong. I want to be educated and maybe see the light.

 #2- I don't plan on bashing a writer or their story just because I didn't enjoy it. I've been really lucky that some of the writers I absolutely idolize have been awesome enough to form a reader/writer relationship with me. Do I know their kids names? No. Do I know their favorite food? No. Do I want to? Not really, cause honestly that is a little too borderline obsessive stalker to me and I'm not like that. HOWEVER to actually make my point, I now understand how much of their heart and soul really goes into the characters they write and the beautiful story's they produce.  I cannot belittle their creations and still maintain the morals and standers I have.

#3- Will I be honest? Of course. I like to think that I am really honest and I know that I would perfer someone telling me the truth, rather than sugar coating it.

#4- Possibly the most important!! I am not now, or have I been an English Major. I've always sucked at spelling and been atrocious at grammar. Spell Check is my best friend but sometimes I get to typing so fast I don't realize something I've written doesn't make since. I also really enjoy using punctuation for no good reason!!!

I'm really excited to finally try my hand at this. Will anyone read it, who knows. But it will be here for me to see.