Monday, May 5, 2014

Why Did I Go Back To School?

I realized pretty quickly that I wasn't going to be making posts every day, maybe not even twice a week, but I looked over and realized it's been a few months since I posted anything. 
That's the life of a full time Mom, Full Time Student and Part Time Dive Coach. 
I've spent the better part of this year at the pool with my high school dive kids, or behind a computer. 
BUT the payout was totally worth it. 

Quick Re-Cap
* I took 3 kids to the VA  5A State Diving Championship
   My lone girl had never dove in HS before this year so her even making it to the meet was amazing and she held her own in a tough competition. I also took two boys to the meet. Will my Junior placed 6th after a rough couple of dives which shows how hard he worked on the other ones. And last but not least, Bryce took 1st!! I spent a lot of time around the pool this year but I can say with all honesty that it was totally worth it to be able to watch my babies dive so well. 

* I am very close to being finished with my degree and was lucky enough to take some really fun classes this semester. One in particular was Culture in Motion Pictures. Each week we had to watch a film that portrayed a certain culture, Rocket Boys- Appalachian, Joy Luck Club- Asian, The Lone Ranger- Native American, so on and so forth. Every two weeks we had to write a paper summarizing the movie and it's portrayal of the culture and reference it back to our readings. 
Our final project was to watch 3 or more films and write our own reference paper. I was worried as I always am, because I only expect the best from myself. I chose to write about how American Teens are Portrayed in Films. There are so many good films that have been released recently so that part was quite simple. It was the 5 to 7 page paper that killed me. I'm overly critical of my writing so I felt like it wasn't good enough. I cried as I submitted it figuring I would going to get slammed. 
A week later I got my grade. 291/300 ( EXCUSE ME WHAT?) I had no idea it was going to be received that well. My professor also sent me a message stating that the topic, and my paper would make a wonderful addition to any textbook. I was absolutely flabbergasted. 

Back to Books- I didn't get to read for pleasure as much as I have in the past but I did judge for two National Writing Competitions so I had quite a few books come to me that way and I have just started reading for fun again while I'm on a very short sabbatical from school. 

I'll be posting some reviews again here in the next few days. As well as trying to blog a little bit about what's going on at RT NOLA! 

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